KnitWit 68: Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival Adventures

Filed under: podcast — autumnbr at 1:29 pm on Saturday, February 2, 2013

I had a great time at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival  and share many adventures  with you.
I am afraid that this is my longest show to date.  It is a bunch of stories all thrown together.  I thought about splitting it up but then it would drag on forever in the telling.  So here they all are.  I hope you don’t mind the length.
People mentioned and their links.

Barefoot Spinner
Handweavers Guild of America
Journey Wheels
Kid Hollow
Lara Math4Knitters
Liberty Ridge Farm
Lyle Wheeler

A big thank you to everyone who came up and said ‘Hey’.  I was worried that I would be wondering around with a big f* flower for absolutely no reason what so ever. You made all the strange looks well worthwhile.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thanks.  Carry

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